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Stone Wood Crossing

Board of Directors

The Stone Wood Crossing Homeowners Association is managed by a Board of Directors. The Board is made up of five Directors, elected annually by the HOA members to serve 3-year terms.

The bylaws specify four "Regular Officer" positions to be held by Directors on the Board of Directors: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Directors may hold dual officer positions (except the President). Each year following the Board election, the Directors meet to appoint (by majority vote) Directors to these officer positions. 

The current members of the Board of Directors are:

Jerry Bayles- President

Tom Wolff -Vice-President

David Gabriel - Treasurer

Additional Officers

The bylaws grant authority to the Board to create "Additional Officer" positions to assist in carrying out the business or goals of the Board and the Association.  Creation of an Additional Officer position, and selection of who holds the position, requires a majority vote of the Board.  Additional officers must be members of the Association and report to the Board of Directors, but do not serve on the Board.  The term of each Additional Officer position is set by the Board.  If a majority of Board members agree the goal of the officer position has been met or there is no longer a need for it, they may eliminate the position at any time.