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Stone Wood Crossing

Architectural Review Guidelines

Pre Approved Roof Colors

Per our covenants (Found Here), roof colors must fall within the guidelines of 'Weathered Wood' colors.

Approved Colors:

  • Onyx Black
  • Hickory Red
  • Slate Green
  • Estate Gray
  • Sierra Gray
  • Natural Brow
  • Charcoal
  • Reddish Brownwood 
  • Driftwood
Pre Approved Paint Colors

Paint colors for homes shall fall under Earth Tones. Some examples include: Black, Green, White, Slate, Red, Brown, Tan, etc.

What if my color isn't listed or have other requests?

If your desired color is not listed above, or if you would like to make a request for structural change approval, please submit an Architectural Review Request through the management representative at

Please include any pictures, drawings, blueprints you may have alongside a detailed description of the change request with your contact information.